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Best Agents For Climbing Out Of Low Elo

Jona Wagner

Are you stuck in the lower ranks? Do you wonder how you can get out? I will tell you which two agents are the best for climbing.


What's important for an agent to be suited for climbing low elo?

As explained in my blog post about "The 4 Essentials of Climbing Ranks" the main factors to improving are mechanics, mentality, game sense and communication. The perfect agent for lower ranks should therefore help you improve in those 4 branches.

Which agents to pick then?

Omen and Brimstone are in my opinion great agents to climb low ranks. Both of the agents are "Controllers" and that for a reason. Controllers actually can help you with all of the four essentials to climbing ranks.

Playing a support role means that you have no way around building a team mentality. What do I mean by that? When playing a role that is not all about top fragging, you need to learn that your own performance is less important than actually winning. You need to understand that not every game is one where you will carry.

For mechanics, Omen's and Brimstone's kits are both very straight forward. You can learn very quickly how to use them. Then you have all the freedom to work on the other mechanics like aim or movement.

Communication plays a big part too. If you are playing the smokes role, you have to communicate where you are putting your utility. Smokes are one of the most impactful non-ultimate abilites and every team comp should have them. That is why it is so important to not waste them.

With both Omen and Brimstone you can improve your game sense too actually. You need to learn to read the map so you can place your smokes in time.

But why exactly those two and not other controllers?

Simply put, they have the easiest to learn ability kits from this role. Omen for example has so many easy one-way-smokes, his blind is very powerful though there is team-blind potential and both of his teleports make playing him very fun. His ultimate can be used to scout an area or rotate fast and with his normal teleport he is allowed to play cheeky angles and teleport out. Brimstone has the longest lasting smokes and also the smokes which go down the fastest. So, when pushing a site the timing of placing your smokes is not super important. His molly and ultimate both are insane in post-plant or stopping pushes. And his stim beacon is a niche ability for fast rotates or pushes.

For those reasons Omen and Brimstone are the best low elo agents in Valorant.

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